Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12-15-10 Telling Students Good-bye

It was finally time today for me to announce to the first group of students that I was leaving. I had intended for this word to roll out Monday, but we have had 2 unusual days of inclement weather for December in Nashville.  Now I will have to return in Jan. to help the new teacher review, administer, and grade sophomore exams.  I'm happy someone will be helping me because that is where the numbers are--a class of 31 and a class of 22.  I got butterflies in my stomach as I anticipated telling the first class--AP Literature and Composition--and plunged in by stating how we adults are always encouraging them to pursue their dreams.  Then I shared how my dream had to been to be a missionary with my church ever since I was in junior high.  This was from what I believed as a Christian, and now the opportunity had arisen for my family to return to missionary service after an absence of 7 years.  The reaction was mixed--a couple of boys who were passing by the hair of their chinny-chin-chins raised their faces heavenward for an answered prayer, several of the girls bemoaned losing one of the teachers who had tried to teach them in their high school career.  I told the boys they could not drop the class now since I would not be there 2nd semester to make them suffer so.  I have appreciated the adults' responses to my news--that they will miss me.  And I will miss much about my job--splendid young people, preparing lessons and units which helped me learn as much or more than the students, reading literature, professional development as a teacher, camaraderie with admirable fellow teachers and administrators.  What I won't miss--disrespectful young people whose parents have no control over them or who continue with heads buried in sand about their children's responsibility to behave appropriately, nights of 4--5 hour sleep for days of teaching, grading papers, readying lessons, and caring for my own family.  He who is called to teach in US public schools is called to a ministry.  Beware if he does not treasure his own soul or respect himself.  Our young people need teachers of character as well as knowledge and love.

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