Saturday, June 4, 2011

1-29-11 ILC

We arrived in Richmond at the end of Jan. 

Wed. we registered Eliz. in school and had an afternoon parent/teacher meeting for all parents of kids in her group.  There are 3 boys, 3 girls, 4 families.  Today (Fri.) her teacher said he could tell she was a good student.

We had welcome to Field Personnel Orientation on Tues., introduction of administration folks who help lead and direct it, nurse updating us on shot clinics and staying healthy while here, session with computer geeks who will help us protect our computer from nasty viruses and co.  

We have devotion times each day led by Elbert Smith, who served primarily in S. America/Mexico.  I need to see if he knows Craig ___? What is his last name?

We met Wed. night in our small group of folks going to SubSaharan Africa to choose what time Sun. mornings we would like to worship together and who could help with music.  Bart and I will lead this 1st Sun., and then we will take turns leading. One family is ISC going to Bamako, Mali to serve as Logistics Coordinator (the old Business Facilitator).  The other family is going to Kenya, I believe, to also be Logistics Coordinator.  Then there are 6 journeygirls going to Nigeria, Sudan, Mali, and South Africa.

Thurs. we also had sessions on how many times each week we will have to be sharing the gospel, and met with the teams we signed up to help with. I am helping shelve books in the adult library as I will be spending time there studying homeschooling curriculum they have.  Bart is helping on the Evangelism team.

Today we had a spiritual retreat time where for 3 hours we were to read our Bibles and pray.  We were given box lunches for lunch.  I read my readings for Read the Bible through plus some more references we were given. I also prayed for different folks God will have us cross paths with in our time in Ghana.

This afternoon we met to share our experiences. Then I went to the library to work and read, and Bart and Eliz. came to to read. We had supper. Bart and I went to Wal-Mart as  I needed to pick up a few things. We check out a van and can go where we like.  Last night and tonight Eliz. has played indoor soccer with her schoolmates and really enjoyed it. She is ready to get to Ghana whenever the Lord sees fit.

This weekend will prepare for Sun. worship. We also have to walk/jog/run a mile. We will do it again at the end and are expected to have improved our time. No problem for me as I am starting my running program I found in Runner's World 11 years ago which takes you to run 30 min.s without stopping in a very slow progression. For instance, this week I run 5 times in a session for 2 minutes, followed by a 4 minute walk.  At that pace, it's not too hard to get back in shape.

We will have deadlines each week for readings and projects.  Will write more later. Ready for bed now.

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